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  A burst of laughter coming from beside Hunter captures my attention, I look next to him and notice a man, the complete opposite of Hunter, standing there.

  Another swoothy type!

  He’s a few inches shorter than Hunter, has Dark brown hair, and sharp features with piercing green eyes.

  The only similarities being the muscles upon muscles these men seem to have, and their extremely good looks.

  “Wow, do men like you just grow on trees around here?” I mentally bitch slap myself, I did not just say that aloud.

  I inwardly cringe at my runaway mouth, could I sound any more pathetic?

  Lottie is oblivious to my humiliating reaction, and is clearly not immune herself. She is leaning over the edge of the bin, looking them up and down, completely blase about checking them out.

  Both men laugh, but it’s the wink Hunter sends my way that makes me virtually hyperventilate. The connection I feel to this practically a stranger of a man is ridiculous, when he looks at me I feel like we are the only two people in the room, everyone else fades in to the background.

  “I could say the same about the pair of you, I mean hot damn, those hot pants, wit woo! That wiggle when you walk and that toned, curvy arse. I nearly passed out, well I would have if Hunter didn’t warn me to keep my eyes off the prize or he’d chop my balls off!... And helllooo gorgeous, who you might you be?” New guy diverts his attention towards Lottie, who has a huge chesire cat grin on her face.

  I roll my eyes, knowing the look she is giving him.

  She’s about to get her flirt on.

  Leaning further over the edge, I watch her thrust her ample bosom out, pushing her arms inwards and capturing mystery man’s sole attention.

  “Me sweetheart? Why I’m the girl who’s about to make all your wildest dreams come true! Hick.” She replies, giggling when she ends her flirt on the start of a round of hiccups.

  Hunter slaps his hand on his friend’s arm, cutting him off from leaning forward in to Lottie’s personal space.

  Neither are clearly happy by his sudden intrusion, both turning to throw glares his way.

  If looks could kill he’d be six feet under by now!

  “Ignore my horndog of a friend, ladies meet Harry, Harry meet Connie and Lottie,” Hunter waves his hand in the direction of each of us as he says our names. “Can I ask why you are sitting in a bin? You do realise the concierge is at his desk watching you both on his security feed? Apparently he is quite enjoying the show you have been putting on.”

  “Oh crap! Ryan has been watching us. Damn, I hope I haven’t done anything too embarassing!” I whisper, more thinking aloud then speaking to the group.

  “Enough of the small talk, I wanna know when I get to join you ladies on this threesome I heard you mentioning, I’d be quite content to sit and watch if I’m not allowed to join in?” Harry says seductively, stepping closer to Lottie and trailing his finger down her bicep.

  What is it with these men?

  They are both major sex bombs and the looks they throw about are enough to melt the panties off any woman they come across, that’s if their good looks alone don’t do the job first.

  “Aha, I knew it. I knew someone was eavesdropping! You two really are a pair of sneaks.”

  I’m sitting here, watching on in awe at the ease of the flirting between Lottie and Hunter’s friend, the way they react to each other and continue their banter is impressive.

  Introductions are done quickly between the pair, where I find out that Hunter’s friend is called Harry and is in business with him.

  The whole time I have been looking at them, Hunter has been studying me, I can feel his eyes burning holes in my side, checking me out.

  I daren’t look at him, the feelings he envokes in me from just one look are far too powerful for me to begin to deal with.

  “Connie,” I hear whispered close to my ear, “Connie? I haven’t been able to stop thinking of you, look at me, please?”

  I’m trying so hard to ignore him, needing a few moments to gain some inner strength and be prepared to look in to those baby blues without losing myself in them. “Connie, please don’t shut me out. Can you at least look at me, just so I know you are real and are safe. I have been going out of my mind with worry since last night. You have consumed my every waking thought, the thought of you driving me to the edge of insanity when I came to the conclusion I may never get to see you again.” That does the trick.

  I look him square in the eyes, my focus unwavering despite the alcohol. I’m searching for the truth, that this is all just a pick up line or some form of lie, but the only things I can see are complete honesty and affection.

  Affection for who? Surely that cannot be for me, the man only met me last night.

  The only logical feelings he should feel are the need to protect me after witnessing Dan and his screwed up entrance, and to be perfectly honest, the chances of a man like Hunter feeling anything towards me has very low odds.

  “What the fuck is that?” I watch in amazement as Hunter lifts his upper body on the bin and swings his legs over the top, the muscles in his arms tensing and bulging.

  I’m feeling all hot and flustered for a second and forget what it was he just said to me.

  He grips my chin in his hand, soft but firm, and tilts ny face up towards his to get a closer look, he strokes the fingers on his other hand under my eye, where it’s bruised.

  I flinch, knowing the path this conversation is going to take and not wanting to recap it.

  “It’s nothing, just a silly bump. I’m clumsy is all.” I can tell he doesn’t believe me, his nostrils flare and anger is dancing in his eyes.

  I shrink away, suddenly scared at the look I am receiving and knowing full well what happens when a man gets this look on his face.

  Hunter looks away for a second, he seems to be collecting himself, before looking back at me and smiling sadly. “I’m sorry, I’m not angry with you. But just for the record, don’t give me that ‘I walked into a cupboard crap’, not one person here believes that. Fair enough you could have done it accidentally, but after watching the CCTV of you being dragged from the bar last night, I would say it’s a fair bet that the tosser who took you did it? Am I right?”

  Oh fuck! the CCTV, what is he doing looking at video footage of me and Dan. Dan will be fuming if he finds out! No, No, No. This is sooooo bad!

  “Erm, when you say CCTV, I take it you mean you were looking for me? As for my eye, please let it go, I should’nt have been out in the first place. It was my fault.” I look away, completely ashamed at admitting that. But I can’t have him digging around where Dan’s concerned, it’s too risky and the thought scares the shit out of me alone.

  Lottie gasps, throwing a small piece of cardboard at my head. “Don’t you dare blame yourself for that wanker’s actions. He stranded you this morning, next to naked for no fucking reason. Connie wake the fuck up. This isn’t your fault. Never has been, never will be!”

  Hunter pulls me to him, leaning me in to his side and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. “Woah woah woah, when you say stranded naked, what exactly do you mean by that? This had better be some sick kind of a joke. What is she talking about Connie?” He runs his fingers up and down my arm, to ease the bite behind his words.

  It doesn’t help.

  I still tense at my silly cow of a friend giving out that information. She looks just as horrified as me at having said it aloud.

  She glances at me, an apology written in her eyes and looks away, too ashamed to look at me any longer.

  “Please, can we just have a stress free night and have some bloody fun for once? I am so sick of all this ‘Poor Connie shit’ how about you boys finish this booze with us then help us make it safely to Lottie’s apartment that we are currently locked out of? This cardboard is starting to get uncomfortable.”

  They all look at each other, coming to an understanding without words. Those looks tell me I’m going to grilled for information tomorrow
, but for tonight it’s Connie drama free.

  “Ha, how on earth did you manage to get locked out? The concierge has a spare key ya’know?” And just like that, the heavy, messy conversation is dropped by Harry for a lighter, easier one.

  “You can ask the mastermind over here. We have been knocking on random pervy men’s doors, flirting with the concierge and climbing gates and bins, all thanks to Lottie’s scheming.” I say on a giggle.

  “Okay, well seeing as you ladies are clearly intoxicated, harrassing people in their homes and damaging the complex’s property, how about you join us in my new apartment? I literally moved in a couple of hours ago and it could do with a house warming?” I swing my head in Lottie’s direction, the cow is smirking, refusing to look at me.

  So when she was asking to get up to the penthouse, was she talking about Hunter?

  Nooo she couldn’t be, that’s such a huge coincidence.

  “Erm, before we make any decisions, can I ask if you happen to be in the penthouse?” I get my answer immediately, in the form of a muffled giggle and an exagerated cough from Lottie. She knows I’ve worked it all out.

  Why didn’t she tell me she knew Hunter lived here?

  The little minx knew exactly what she was doing, I would have freaked had I had some kind of warning Hunter was likely to be around.

  “Yeah, why? How did you know?” The looks I catch Harry throw in Hunter’s direction make me feel like a stalker, I feel completely embarassed, even knowing full well I am nothing of the sort.

  I look down at my lap, my whole body flaming from what they must think of me, another brilliant Connie moment.

  They must think I have been following Hunter around like some lovesick puppy. “No, no. It’s not what it sounds like, it’s just, we tried to use a different elevator earlier and Ryan said the new owner of the penthouse was moving in, so I put two and two together and this was the logical answer.”

  Harry laughs sounding relieved, but Hunter just looks pissed at his friend.

  Harry forces his gaze away and back to Lottie, obviously uncomfortable with receiving the death glare from his friend.

  “Listen, as fun as it is to stand on the outside looking in, I’m either coming in to join you, or the three of you are getting out of that recycling container and taking this party to a more appropriate and .. private.. setting.”

  The three of us in the bin laugh, before wading our way to the side. “Oh baby, there’s not enough space in here to do what I have in mind with you.” I cannot believe Lots just said that to Harry.

  I mean? Yeah, he’s hot, but really, she just met him, as in five minutes ago met him.

  Lottie of course, not quite finished making it clear what she thinks about these good looking men, breaks in to drunken song whilst moving her way to the edge of the bin, clutching the bottle of sambuca. “Macho macho man, I’ve got myself a macho man.”

  I very nearly bash my head in frustration, the girl really has no content control.

  Hunter helps me up, ignoring the other two, holding me by the waist and helping me swing my legs over the side.

  The tingles his fingers give me have worked their way down to my sex. I squeeze my thighs together to relieve the sudden tension between my legs, before hopping down and turning to help Lottie.

  I don’t get too far as she is already being lifted, sliding her way down Harry’s body. I lean my head to the side, watching his hand snake it’s way to her arse and squeeze.

  I gasp, expecting Lottie to put the man in his place, but the hussy just grabs his in return, both staring longingly into the others eyes.

  They really are a pair of flirts, they look more like lovers than recent acquaintances, the sexual tension between the two is off the charts.

  “Forget your friend and focus on me, she’s fine. Those two seem to be having a good time, and I want to be the one giving you the same.” I suck in a sharp breath, the man has such a way with words, they are completely innocent but said in a really dirty way with an added wink thrown my way.

  I swoon on the spot, god this man is dangerous. Dangerous to my sanity and dangerous to my health.

  What I wouldn’t give to have him in my life.

  I nod, accepting what he says and take his offered hand.

  We all make our way to the gate, with Hunter punching in his code and heading towards the elevators.

  I really do want to play. I want to have fun and be wild and spontaneous.

  Fuck it. I spin around and jump on Hunter’s back.

  He in turn catches me, laughs a full bellied laugh and grips me under the back of my legs.

  I have to force back a moan, his fingers so deliciously close, yet so frustratingly far from my centre.


  We are all on our way up to Hunter’s apartment, having gained entrance to Lottie’s place, grabbed her keys and both of our phones and all agreeing on having a few drinks at his. I am beyond nervous, the butterflies are in full force, making me feel a tad sick with nerves.

  I don’t know what I have to be nervous for, yes the man is the hottest male I have ever come across, yes there is an amazing connection between us and yes I seem to really, really like him, but it’s not as if it could ever go anywhere, as if I could ever have a man like Hunter.

  As if I could ever BE ALLOWED to have a man like Hunter with Dan in my life. The thought is so depressing I have to force myself to think happy thoughts.

  The plan is to have fun, if only for tonight, and that’s what I will make myself do.

  The lift opens up to the most beautiful foyer I have ever seen. Glass walls either side of us, showing an open plan kitchen/diner to my right and a home gym to the left. From what I can see, the basics have been unpacked.

  There is white oak flooring throughtout the enitre apartment. A monstrous sofa is situated smack bang in the centre of the room to my right, one side is in the style of a chaise lounge, whilst the other is high backed and easily sits nine people, in what seems to be a faux cream suede material. It looks so comfortable and the cushion look amazingly bouncy, I wonder what he’d do if I ran and dived on to it?

  Hmm, drop that idea, probably call Ryan to escort me out for being a twit.

  Trust my runaway brain!

  Snapping back to reality I continue my quick observations, there is also the biggest, and I mean BIGGEST, television inbeded in to the painted cream section on the walls, it looks to be a long chimney breast, while either side is glass windows, similar in design to Lottie’s. I love the effect it gives off, glass windows overlooking the river to the left and right of the chimney.

  I cannot quite believe the sheer size of his television still, that has to be close to ninety inches, that is absolutely crazy.

  The rest seems to need unpacking still as there are boxes stacked in the corner of the room, left sealed. I can just about make out an open plan kitchen, with all stainless steel appliances from where I stand.

  Does this man do anything not in excess?

  I mean from what I can tell even his manhood was huge when it was pressed up against my backside.

  I shiver at the excitement that the thought sends coursing through my body, my wayward thoughts making me become flustered and aroused.

  I start to make my way down the glass walled hallway, following everyone to the sitting room. I chance a glance to my left as I come out of the hall, the gym is huge, kitted out exactly as you would expect a gym to be.

  Running machines, weight centres, bar bells, mats, cycling machines, the lot, and to top it off another television inbeded in the wall to the front of the room.

  It is a truly amazing place to live, everything says class, but in a really basic way, except for the sheer size of the furniture and entertainment systems.

  It comes across as a normal man, wanting the basics, just bigger. Nothing overly flashy and in your face.

  Being in this place this is more then I could ever dream of, and this man who I have this amazing connection with has

  I’m on a completely different level to him, and he is still looking at me like he’s a fish and I’m his water, without me he would be unable to survive!

  How did all of this happen? I mean, why me? He could have anyone he pleases, at the click of a finger.

  I’m not right for this man, how can I give him anything when he already has it all? What could he possibly want with a broken girl like me?

  I’m a ready made family, with the added crazy in the form of Dan!

  I need to leave before I make a fool of myself. I can wait for Lottie at hers, I don’t need to be here, and to be perfectly honest, I’m probably not wanted here either.

  This is so not my life and never will be.

  I crash, straight in to a wall of muscle, knocking me out of the depressing thoughts consuming my mind.

  A pair of strong arms come around me, protecting me from falling my arse.

  Tingles are shooting in every direction, making me melt in to the body holding me up. I know, without looking that this is Hunter, no other man can make me feel these things. The warmth and comfort I gain from being in his presence is intensified when he touches me.

  I could stay like this forever, never moving and never leaving. I throw my arms up and around his neck, laying my head on his chest and breathing deeply, taking his intoxicating masculine scent in to my lungs and praying for some kind of miracle that will allow me to keep this man in my life.

  Hunter wraps his arms around my lower waist, humming in the back of his throat as if sated and kisses me sweetly on my head.

  My heart swells, and I feel incredibly emotional all of a sudden. How can a man I have just met, make me feel things not even my partner for the last decade can?

  I go to pull away, knowing full well that this is cruel to Hunter and myself, but he pulls me back to him, whispering in to my hair. “Connie, please? Let me just have this moment. You make me feel things no other woman has and I need to hold you for a bit, proving to me that meeting you and being with you wasn’t just a dream.” Ditto!

  I lay my head back down, a lump forming in the back of my throat at the thought of walking away from him later.