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  Rhia looks me over, seeking some sign that I am lying and about to breakdown again before nodding ever so slightly, pulling me to my feet and tugging me towards the bathroom.

  I wait for her to close the door before I undress and place my clothes in a pile on the lid of the toilet seat, putting my towel and bag on top of the clothes.

  My mind is going a hundred miles a minute, it can’t seem to grasp if Dan would punish me by starving the kids.

  If push comes to shove, I will have no option but to ask my Mum to do us a food shop, she won’t be happy, but I will have to say Dan’s wages have been messed around or something silly.

  Oh, I don’t know, and the fact that Rhia has just witnessed that phone call, ah crap, she is bound to tell Diane, Diane is bound to target Dan, making Dan target me.

  I step in to the shower and tilt my head back, allowing the hot water to caress body, relieving the stiffness from my shoulders and back, trying to dissolve some of the fears taking over in my mind.

  I need to calm down, whatever happens will happen. I have no control over other peoples actions, and I will have no choice but to deal with the fallout if and when it occurs.

  I force myself to stop thinking, to completely blank my mind and enjoy my first night out in what feels like forever.

  Rushing through the rest of my shower, I wash my hair, quickly towel off and redress in order to get back to my friends and unwind for the evening.

  Looking about, I do a quick check to make sure I have all of my things. I pick up my silver, diamontee embellished messenger bag and make my way back to the front room.

  I glance around, locating my previously forgotten wine and down the glass.

  Blah, that is some strong stuff!

  A warm feeling starts to burn its way down my chest, tingles break out at my finger tips and my lips start to numb already.

  God that was needed, that was so bloody needed it’s unreal.

  It had the instant desired effect and has given me a slight buzz and helped me loosen up.

  “Oi bitch, I’ve been trying to call you! Answer your bloody phone woman.” I jump, ever so close to dropping the empty wine glass, and place my hand over my rapidly beating heart.

  Lottie breaks out in to loud cackles, “Ha, did I scare you?” she snorts, trying to rein in her amusement at my reaction. I’m not sure how much my poor abused heart can take.

  “Where the hell did you come from?” I ask her, bending down to pick up my bag and check for missed calls on my phone.

  Lottie is chatting away, completely oblivious to my rising panic, “Hang on, have you seen my phone at all? It’s gone! oh god, what if Dan tries to ring or I have already missed his call?” I must have searched my bag ten times over, it is without a doubt, not in there.

  Lottie starts to pick up sofa cushions and checks underneath, meanwhile I look around the floor and make my way to the kitchen.

  “Connie breathe, it’s fine babe, it will show up, you probably just put it down somewhere at some point.” Lottie calls after me.

  Upon entering the kitchen, I immediately spot Rhia, who is standing with her head bent over the kitchen cabinets, studying something intently.

  She hears me approaching and snaps around to face me, a guilty expression briefly flitting across her face. “Oh, Connie. I erm, found your phone on the sofa, saw it was the same make as mine and thought I would put it on charge for you... Erm, you don’t want to run out of battery when you are out. I’m a dozy cow sometimes, I was struggling to fit the charger in, I blame the wine,” she rambles, barely stopping to breathe and ending on a fit of nervous giggles.


  The first thought that pops in to my head is what the hell was she doing to my phone whilst I was walking in to the kitchen, surely she wasn’t going through it?

  I inwardly roll my eyes at myself, and dismiss that idea almost immediately. Rhia would never invade my privacy like that. I’m just being paranoid.

  “Oh, thanks chick. Dan likes to call to check in with me, and what with my Mum having the kids I wouldn’t want to miss a call. That means alot hun.” She smiles at me, well tries to anyway. It looks completely forced and doesn’t in any way reach her eyes, before she turns, and without uttering a single word, walks out of the kitchen.

  Did I say something to upset her, she’s never been weird around me before?

  I shrug it off and put it down to my slightly tipsy state.

  I really do need to watch how much I drink, if one glass of wine is making me this scatty before we have even arrived anywhere, I can only imagine what state I will be in once the girls ply my lightweight self with shots.

  I woop and bounce my way back to the front room. Nobody is getting me down tonight, this is so far overdue it’s unreal.

  Diane and Lottie are sitting on the sofa, shot bottle on the coffee table and wine glasses in their hands as I approach.

  “Come on then ladies, pass me over a shot and bring on the drunkeness!” I scream and giggle in a hyper state.

  Tonight is going to be awesome.


  The four of us are linked arm in arm, skipping along the pavement, singing Flo Rida’s ‘Good Feeling’ at the top of our lungs.

  To say we are slightly intoxicated is an understantement. I blame the shots the girls kept handing me, it has nothing to do with the fact I am a lightweight, nope nothing at all.

  We have all been sexified up, all dressed in tiny, skin tight, practically fanny flashing dresses. But we look hot, and better yet, we feel it too.

  I am in shock that I had the bottle to step in to my black bodycon dress, it is molded to my body, hugging every curve and sits just below my bum.

  I added my black and gold studded flats with my black and gold ‘river island’ clutch bag. The girls clipped my hair up in a messy look, with loose tendrils falling around my face and pushed up slightly to give it some lift. They teamed it off with a smokey eyed look.

  To say I feel like a new woman would be an understatement. Even I must admit, I look sexy. I look like the pre Dan me.

  I can see the bar up ahead, and for the first time in a long time I have excitement butterflies, I cannot wait to get on that dance floor and show the girls how it’s done.

  Lottie looks up at me, tugs our entwined arms closer to her body and gives me a huge smile.

  She knows how much of a big deal this is for me, and I can tell from the look on her face, she is so excited to have me out with her.

  I go to open my mouth, when I am tugged slightly to the right.

  Rhia has hold of my right arm with Diane holding on to Rhia’s right, we are all linked and lined up across the pavement.

  I quickly look down at her, taking in her ankles that have started to buckle outwards, followed by her legs giving out.

  It happens so fast that I have no chance to grab her before she flops to the floor.

  Her ankles fell outwards, her knees fell forward hitting the concrete, and her hands come down to protect her face.

  Lottie has dropped to the floor on my left, and is lying back on the pavement in an absolute fit of giggles. Diane has walked off slightly down the road, and is leaning against a wedding shop snickering, covering her face with her hands.

  And me, well I’m just stood in shock looking at the three of them.

  We haven’t even arrived at the bar yet and they are already acting like a pack of animals.

  Making the decision to be the mature one out of the group, I attempt to help Rhia up, but she just scowls at me and bats my hand away, as if it is somehow my fault she fell. This causes Lottie to laugh even louder and grab her stomach, before rolling on to her side.

  “Girls, can we get up now? I really, really need a drink after this.” I turn away from Rhia and reach my hand out to help Lottie up instead, feeling slightly disgruntled by Rhia’s rejection of my offer of help.

  She starts to lift up, but her legs slide out from under her, causing her to flash the bright pink polka
dot knickers she is wearing at me, before pulling me down on top of her.

  Cars start bibbing, and a few men shout obscene remarks before I manage to push myself up. One look at her though, and the puffed out, bright red cheeks she is sporting is all it takes to make me crack.

  The giggles I had tried so hard to rein in break free, and I sit, giggling like a school girl next to my best friend who is fairing no better.

  After what feels like an eternity of giggling, I manage to jump up, and walk a little way down the road, attempting to take deep breaths and stop the laughing. I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard in my life, my ribs are aching and I have a stitch in my side.

  Lottie gains some control and waves me over, she wipes her smudged mascara from under her eyes and tugs me towards the bar.

  Diane in turn helps a scowling Rhia up and they follow us to the entrance.

  I can feel Rhia’s eyes burning holes in the back of my dress. I honestly don’t know what her problem is, she has been off with me all night.

  Approching the doors, we all get waved in with the exception of Rhia. She of course, being childlike in appearance has to flash her ID.

  She catches up to me, placing her hand on my arm and shouting to be heard over the music in my ear, “How the hell did I get stopped but you didn’t? Not being funny, but I don’t look at you and get the ‘womanly vibe’. You don’t look old enough to be able to smoke, let alone drink.”

  I stop walking, not quite believing the bitchy words that have just come out of Rhia’s mouth.

  I always had her pegged as a mousey type, shy and quiet.

  Now, I am either being over sensitive here or what she has just said is completely bang out of order. There was no need for that, at all.

  “Erm yeah, not being funny either Rhia, but is there a reason you are being weird with me? You seem to have a problem and I really don’t want there to be one.”

  Rhia looks gobsmacked for a second, before catching herself and pasting a blank mask on her face.

  “Oh no, of course not, why would there be? I meant it as a joke, that’s all. It’s always me who gets stopped for ID. Didn’t mean anything by it.” Her face is completely void of any emotion, but the more I look in to her eyes, the more they seem to be looking at me with malice.

  Meh, I’m tipsy. Maybe I am being oversensitive.

  Turning my back on Rhia, I walk towards the bar, figuring the only way to solve a situation like this is with alcohol.

  “Okay girlie, fancy a shot?” I call over my shoulder, hoping she follows me and we can put this all behind us.

  “Oufff,” I swear I have hit a brick wall. The wind has quite literally been knocked out of my lungs. My whole body jarred on impact, and the aftershocks seem to be going on forever.

  Feeling two hands having a firm grip on my biceps, I swing my head around and come to the rapid conclusion that this is not a wall at all, but a person. A very muscular, male person.

  I take in the expanse of his chest. Whoever it is happens to be wearing a button up, long sleeved shirt, and I can clearly make out the muscles sitting upon muscles through the material.

  This guy is seriously ripped.

  I make the brave decision to finally look up, and I am immediately frozen to the spot.

  Oh good lord, that sort of perfection can’t exist, that should not be legal. He is a walking wet dream. I think my lady parts just combusted. Am I concussed? Am I dreaming? If I am, I don’t want to wake up.

  This guy is quite literally the most stunning piece of male meat I have ever come across, I could swoon at his feet. Who am I kidding? I think I already am.

  He towers over my five foot ten frame by at least six inches, has the most stunning blue eyes, I could drown in them. A perfectly straight nose, upturned lips, made for nothing else but kissing, sculpted cheek bones and dirty blonde hair.

  Did I mention the natural tan? This is in no way a fake tan, this tan is all real and hot damn he is good looking. He has the ultimate surfer boy look, with the added serious muscle to top it off.

  Muscled surfer dude has his eye brow raised at me and a slight smirk on his lips.

  Judging by the tilt to one side of his lips, he knows the reaction he is having over my mind and body.

  I snap myself out of my day dreaming, forcing myself to step away from the sex god and paste an unaffected smile on my lips.

  Who am I kidding? I am so affected by this man, I swear I have just gone in to heat.

  The ripped god drops his arms to his sides, looking disappointed by the lack of contact. I go to say something, anything, I’m not sure what, when I am shoved from behind forcing his arms to brace my shoulders again.

  “Oh my god, Hunter, hi. I see you have met my friend Connie, she is so desperate to get a drink she was walking around with her eyes wide shut and must have crashed in to you. I apologise for her scattiness.”

  Rhia forces Hunter’s left arm from my shoulder and steps between us.

  Hunter furrows his brows and looks annoyed by her intrusion, whereas I am still standing here like a lemon, not knowing what to do or say and allowing Rhia to trash talk me.

  “Yeah hi Rhia, I think you’ll find it was me who stepped in to your friend. Connie was it?” I nod, completely gobsmacked, his voice is deep, manly but in no way harsh and like music to my ears, I cannot look away from him. He has totally blanked Rhia, and is looking over her head at me.

  “Let me get you a drink Connie, it was my fault after all and I’m sure you felt the impact a lot worse than I did.” Oh yes, my womb definitely felt the impact, it fluttered to life after several years of being in hibernation, although to be fair, he couldn’t possibly be talking about what’s going in my knickers.

  “I’ll have a vodka, lemonade and lime please Hunter.” Rhia places her hand on his sculpted pecs, tilting her head slightly to the side.

  Hunter gives her a brief look, he seems completely irked by her presence, but quickly looks back to me.

  “Connie, what can I get for you beautiful?” He asks me.

  I lick my lips, knowing exactly what I want from him. His gaze follows my tongue and his eyes flare with desire. Oh my, I obviously affect this stunning specimen of a man too.

  Rhia flips her head in my direction, giving me the once over before sneering at me and dismissing me with her eyes to turn her attention back to Hunter. “Oh I wouldn’t worry about Connie, she doesn’t get out all that much. Probably wouldn’t even know what to order if I’m being honest. Let’s go to the bar, and we can talk in private.” Rhia tells Hunter, loud enough for me to know that comment was for my benefit and not his.

  Hunter looks torn, I can see he is clearly indecisive and put on the spot.

  I make the decision to give Rhia a run for her money, she may well be my friend, but this friend has been acting like a serious bitch all night. I have enough to deal with, without bitchy girls on my Dan free night out.

  “I would love a drink, thank you Hunter.” I direct, solely at him before stepping next to Rhia. “Thanks Rhia, I think I have this now. Why don’t you go find Lottie and Diane and tell them I am at the bar? I will be with you in a second.” I smirk at Rhia as I am saying this, my bitchy side has made an appearance, no way am I allowing a supposed friend to make me appear stupid.

  Rhia huffs her frustration before turning and skulking past me, barging me out of the way with her shoulder as she goes.

  Hunter doesn’t wait for her to move out of sight before he holds his hand out to me, looking relieved she is leaving, and bowing slightly, causing me to giggle.

  His face in return, breaks out in the most breath-taking grin. Perfect, straight white teeth and a dimple to the left side of his mouth, his eyes sparkling as he looks on in amusement at my laughter.

  I place my hand in his, causing my breath to hitch. A tingly feeling settles deep in my gut, butterflies swarming, making me feel giddy with nerves. What the hell is wrong with me? I have been reduced to a puddle of goo from one look, one smi
le, one touch.

  “So, I take it you are a friend of Rhia’s? I haven’t ever seen you out with her though, there’s no way I’d forget your face.” I blush at Hunter’s remark, this man really is a charmer. I need to get away for a bit, find Lottie and have her knock some sense in to me.

  What the hell has come over you Connie?

  I tend to hate men, Dan being the main cause of this, but Hunter has affected me in a way no other has. My brain is struggling to function around him and that cannot be a good thing.

  I snap myself out of it, removing my hand from his grasp and shaking myself out of my lust induced coma. “Err yeah, we do the school run together. Listen, I really should go find my other friend, we got seperated when we came in. It was nice meeting you though.”

  I barely glance in his direction before I step back and turn around, searching in desperation for Lottie.

  I shouldn’t even be talking to Hunter, let alone chasing away a friend to have him buy me a drink. How could I be so careless? Dan would wipe the floor with me for even looking in another man’s direction, and there I was, contemplating having him all to myself.

  What the hell was all of that anyway? I need to find Rhia and apologise, most of all I need to find Lottie.

  I start to push myself through the swarm of bodies when a hand placed on my waist, pulls me back through the crowd.

  I panic, breathing becoming shallow and black spots invading my vision from the corners of my eyes.

  I know it’s Dan, it has to be Dan.

  Fuck, he’s found me and he’s going to kill me.

  Shit, he must have seen me with Hunter. I have just signed my own death sentence, I know it!

  I’m spun around on the spot, struggling to get a grasp on reality, all thoughts of a beating and repercussions swarming my mind. My legs have turned to jelly and and I slump forward against his chest. There is no point in fighting, he has me now.

  A hand comes in to my vision, causing me to flinch away from the impending slap, but instead of pain, my chin is lifted softly, forcing my eyes to lock with ocean blue ones. Eyes so different from Dan’s.