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  Wait, it’s not Dan.

  I look this man over desperately, coming to the rapid conclusion that it really isn’t Dan, it’s Hunter.

  “Shh, calm down. your breathing is completely erratic.“ He’s speaking, stroking my hair ever so kindly.

  His touch is having a rapidly calming effect on my body. The complete opposite to Dan’s. “I’m not going to hurt you Connie. I didn’t mean to startle you, it’s just, well, one minute we were getting a drink, and the next you took off like you have the hounds of hell at your feet.” It’s Hunter’s turn to look to the floor, a sheepish expression on his face.

  Is he embarrassed for stopping me?

  I squeeze my eyes shut, forcing the panic and black spots to recede and open my eyes to meet his gaze again.

  “I’m sorry, I really don’t know what came over me. I do need to find my friends though.” I give him a pleading expression, hoping he will let me go.

  Hunter nods, looking across the sea of bodies before pulling me by my hand in the opposite direction of the bar. He stops walking abruptly, his arms come up to catch me before I manage to stumble in to him again.

  He’s smirking, the arrogant nob, I swear he did that deliberately.

  If I wasn’t every kind of fucked up and didn’t have Dan to drag me home, I could easily fall for him.

  The sadness of having to walk away from Hunter sits heavily in my chest. This makes no sense, how can I feel like this over a man I have just met, a man I know nothing about?

  “We will find your friends and I’ll leave for a few minutes to get you a drink. No arguments and no running away. I owe you for nearly giving you a concussion.”

  Ah, so that’s what this is all about, he clearly doesn’t have these strange, heart stopping feelings for me that I have for him.

  I feel like he has just gutted me. The intensity of my feelings for this complete stranger have completely shocked me.

  I look away from him, hiding any hurt that can be seen on my face from his words. “Mhmm, but you honestly don’t need to buy me a drink, or even help me really. You go back to your friends, I’ll be fine. I really hate being a burden to people.”

  Hunter grasps my hand, his thumb stroking my knuckles. “Connie, I promise you gorgeous, there is no way for it to be possible that you would be a burden. Why would I want to leave the best looking woman in this place, to go back to my jackass friends?”

  I swing my head back to Hunter and take in the sincerity of his voice and the honesty his eyes are portraying.

  I blush, completely caught up on his every word and go to respond, but before I can even get a word out Hunter places his index finger to my lips.

  I freeze, all thoughts flee my mind and I forget what I wanted to say.

  The feel of those long, tanned fingers on my lips is exquisite, leaving a slight tingle just below the surface, the butterflies in my stomach have increased tenfold, swarming in the depths.

  If I feel like this with just one light touch of a finger, how would I feel if it was his lips?

  What the hell has come over me? I ask myself.

  I have Dan, I am Dan’s woman, and the mother to his children.

  I am not a hussy, I do not have affairs. I will act like Hunter is one of the girls and not fall to a puddle of goo at his feet.

  Thankfully Lottie picks that moment to squeal before launching herself at me, forcing my hand from Hunter’s grasp.

  “Oh my god Connie, are you okay? I have been looking everywhere for you, Rhia is in a foul mood and won’t get off of her phone for some reason and Diane is as pissed as a fart, and you well you just... helllloooo hot stuff.” Lottie breaks off mid rant noticing Hunter standing beside me, she really is an intolerable flirt, but I wouldn’t have her any other way.

  I giggle before she snaps herself out of her inner perving.

  “So, how do you know my girl here? You do realise her douche of a should be ex would probably beat her ass and yours just for looking at each other.” Lottie quickly realises she has said too much and pales, whereas I on the other hand feel like I could faint.

  She must be nearing a paraletic state to have said the words she did aloud, and to prove my point she staggers and rights herself by gripping Hunter’s shirt. “Oops, sorry dude. Any who, just kidding, you two have fun, I need to dance. On second thoughts, who are you? How does Connie know you? And what are your intentions for my girl?” She asks, without pausing to take in a breath.

  What the hell? I mean really, poor Hunter. I have never seen Lottie this drunk, she has had the same amount as me but looks a mess. She is staggering all over the place and struggling to control the words coming out of her mouth.

  I look to Hunter, but he is just standing there staring at me with a murderous expression on his face.

  I promptly make the decision to ignore him, wondering if he is angry at me for not telling him about Dan.

  I can be such a fuck up sometimes, no wonder Dan is so volatile towards me.


  “Lottie babe, are you feeling okay?” Saying this causes Hunter to look sharply from me to Lottie, he grabs her elbow and leads us to the back of the room, where there are several tables.

  He places Lottie on a seat and turns to me. “I’m going to the bar, sit! I will be right back.” Hunter demands whilst pointing to the seat beside Lottie. His face has darkened, his eyes have turned a deeper blue and his jaw has a tick in it.

  I immediately start to freak out.

  I know that look, Dan has that look before he beats on me. What did I do, or say to make him this angry with me?

  I grip Lottie’s hand, trying to calm my overactive mind. It’s a public place, I tell myself, he will not hurt us, he cannot hurt us.

  Lottie is oblivious to my inner freak out and starts grabbing empty glasses on the table looking for alcohol.

  I slap her hands away wondering what the hell has gotten in to my best friend, she is never like this usually.

  A very male hand comes in to my line of vision and I automatically shrink back in to the seat, my survival instinct kicking in. The hand pulls back and I look up to see Hunter with raised eyebrows, a completely astonished look on his face.

  “What the hell was that about? First your friend tells me you get your arse kicked by your fella and then your natural reaction to seeing me raise my hand towards you is to flinch. I would never hit a woman, those are the actions of the scum of the earth, a bully and a sick, twisted bastard. I am not, nor have I ever been one of those. Please don’t fear me.” Hunter sits next to me and pulls me in to his side, he reaches forward with one hand and pours a bottle of water in to an empty glass, he looks quickly across at me and winks, before kissing my forehead.

  I sit, stunned.

  Did he really just do that? What the hell is going on with this guy? He acts as if he has known me all of my life.

  Weirder still, I feel like I have known him all of my life too.

  Those lips to my forehead don’t feel out of place at all, they feel oh so tender, and completely calming to my soul, as if they belong.

  Hunter hands the glass of freshly poured water to Lottie, who is watching us with equal parts shock, happiness and sadness. I wonder what could have caused her to feel that array of emotions, she is usually a blank canvas and so hard to read.

  Lottie sips the glass and practically spits it across the table, she glares at Hunter before squealing. “Oh my god, what the fuck have you given me? It is so gross! Connie move away from the hunk right.this.second, he’s trying to kill me! It won’t work though buster, you may think you can keep me from protecting Connie, but you can’t, I won’t let you hurt her anymore Dan.”

  I gasp, my chest heaving and breathing becomes increasingly difficult.

  I have no words, my poor Lottie has to watch me suffer and not be able to help in any way, except be there the day after to help me pick up the pieces. It takes her getting drunk to truly speak her mind and become aggressive towards Dan.

nbsp; I love that girl so much.

  “Who is Dan? I’m Hunter babe. And I promise you, I am in no way poisoning you. It’s a glass of water. You definitely need to sober your drunk arse up sweetheart. As for hurting Connie, Never! Though I’m starting to get pissed that you all seem to look at me and think I’m some kind of woman beater.”

  Lottie’s face has drained of colour, as if she has just comprehended what she said aloud.

  The shock is resonating through me.

  I look to Hunter, watching him shake his head from side to side, the hurt evident on his face.

  “Lottie didn’t mean that, it must be the drink. And I am sorry we have given you that impression, really I am. We are both incredibly jumpy at the moment, and obviously jumping to the wrong conclusion.” I reach over, placing my hand on his cheek and rub the slightly coarse hairs, the last thing I want to do is offend him, the thought of hurting his feelings cuts me deep. “Please forgive us.” I plead, hoping above all else he does.

  Hunter places his hand over mine, trapping my hand between his cheek and palm. “Connie you have nothing to apologise for, it was a misunderstanding and I’m sorry I snapped at you. It was completely uncalled for. Can we start afresh?” I smile at his response, my heart fluttering wildly in my chest, I really need to give myself some distance from this man.

  I could easily fall for him and there is not a possibility that anything could develop between us.

  Rhia’s high pitched squeal breaks me out of my inner musings. “Eeeek, there you all are.” I flinch at the tone. “I’ve got shots.” she says in a sing song voice.

  “Rhia I don’t think that’s a good idea chick. Lottie needs water not more booze.” I inform her, trying to keep it as friendly as possible. I know I have upset her once today, and I don’t plan on making it a repeat.

  Rhia shrugs, an evil glint in her eye, making me wonder what is going on with her lately, something has quite clearly crawled up her arse. “Ha, I did wonder if she could keep up with all the shots I was buying her. Oops my bad, think I may have been buying her doubles instead of single vodka. Looks like she couldn’t quite hack it.” Rhia cackles before noticing the glares she is receiving from myself and Hunter, she sheepishly drops her eyes to the table and sits opposite us.

  How dare she ply Lottie with alcohol like that, okay she didn’t force it down her throat, but buying her doubles and making her think it is singles is bang out of order. Rhia has been a bitch all night and it’s really starting to piss me off.

  I stand, hands braced on the small table and lean forward, my face almost nose to nose with Rhia’s. “What the fuck do you think you were doing? Do you not realise how dangerous it is to drink to the amount Lottie has obviously drank in such a small amount of time? How can you mess with someone’s drinks like that and then leave them alone in a bar, absolutely smashed out of their face? It’s disgusting. Anyone could have easily taken advantage of her, and where would you have been to help?” I practically sneer the words at her.

  I am so angry, my blood is boiling that she messed with Lottie like that, it wouldn’t matter so much had it have been one drink and Lottie wasn’t left to her own devices in a bar full of horny men.

  But of course, she was given double drinks, left on her own and out of her face. She could have passed out and then what, we wouldn’t have had a clue what was going on with her.

  Rhia sticks her hand out and shoves my chest backwards, I fall back onto my backside on the stool behind me.

  Hunter catches me, his arms braced to my hips and steadies me at the same time as the stool starts to wobble slightly.

  The poor sod must be getting sick of catching me all the bloody time!

  I glance at Rhia, completely astonished at her rection to me. Her fists are clenched and she looks close to losing it.

  Oh hell no. She does not get to cause potential harm to my best friend and then think she can push me around.

  I jump straight back to my feet, knocking my stool over in the process. I cannot believe she would be this reckless, she has been a bitch all afternoon, then also has the audacity to do that to Lottie.

  Hunter’s hands do not move from my hips the whole time this has been going on, he starts moving his fingers in small circles over my dress, causing goose bumps to break out all over my body.

  His fingers are just above my knicker line, and my core clenches at the thought of them moving lower.

  I abruptly knock the thought away and focus back on Rhia, who is glaring at Hunter’s fingers. If looks could kill, his fingers would have disintegrated by now.

  “Touch me again Rhia, and I’m telling you here and now, in front of everybody, that I do not give two fucks where we are, I will slap that nasty attitude straight out of you. You have been a total bitch all day! You have been reckless with Lottie for no reason whatsoever and then laying your filthy hands on me is going too.fucking.far! You get me lady?” I slap my hand down on the table as I say this, to emphasise the point.

  She flinches back slightly as if expecting me to hit her.

  The hatred is so clear in her eyes.

  For someone so small and elf like, she sure can throw a mean look.

  Rhia pulls herself together, straightening up in her seat and smirking at me as if she knows something I don’t. Bitch.

  Hunter pulls me onto his lap and I go willingly, shaking with the adrenaline from the confrontation with Rhia. His touch is soothing to the soul and calms me instantly. I don’t give much thought to what this must look like to my friends, I just soak in the comfort it offers me, not caring in the slightest how it comes across.

  I lean back and notice Lottie is smiling at me sadly, she knows this is temporary and I can tell she feels the pain I will be suffering from leaving soon.

  “Connie you do realise you are meant to be in a relationship right?” Hunter stiffens under me from Rhia’s words, but makes no effort to remove me from his lap, if anything his hands tighten and move around my tummy, holding me as if he fears letting go, whereas I stare her down. We both know what we are feeling is lust, but it seems neither one of us can control our reaction to the other, it feels good to be wanted, even if it is for one night.

  “Yes Rhia, I am completely aware, thank you for that ever so subtle reminder. How could I ever forget the monster I live with?” I whisper the last part, unsure as to why I said it in the first place and hoping nobody heard me.

  Hunter leans forward to the side of me, so our upper bodies are aligned. “I heard that. You don’t have to go home to him, you know that right?” He whispers ever so quietly in my ear, making me doubt I have actually heard him correctly.

  What do I say to that? He doesn’t have a clue what I go through. Is he telling me I don’t have to go home, in the hopes I will want to see him again?

  No, that can’t be right, he is sitting with me out of pity for nearly knocking me down, that’s all.

  I turn my head to look in to those stunning bright blue eyes, the intensity with which he is studying me makes my knees feel weak. If I wasn’t already sitting, I would have easily hit the deck.

  His eyes are swimming with lust, as if he wants to devour me.

  My core clenches. I’m burning up, and my knickers have flooded with my instant arousal.

  Maybe there’s more to this than I thought, maybe he is having the same reaction to me as I am to him.

  I halt those thoughts immediately, pondering who in their right mind lusts after a washed up, mother of two aka, a human punching bag.

  I scold myself for being unrealistic, I know my reality, and it is not one that includes this man sitting beneath me.

  I wriggle in his lap, trying to get comfortable following my inner turmoil.

  Hunter jerks, his hold on my stomach tightening slightly, causing me to move back, leaving no room between us. I feel a bulge beneath my backside and my face heats, IT.IS.HUGE! Hunter looks at me in equal parts amusement and desire, he knows I have felt his arousal, and he is damn smug about it.
  He brings his face closer towards mine, looking down at my mouth.

  My lips part in anticipation of him kissing me.

  The room feels empty surrounding us, we are the only ones in our little bubble, and I desperately don’t want it to pop.

  I start to lean towards him, eager to feel those lips on mine, when I hear the one and only voice that could put out the fire that is raging through my body.


  “WHAT THE FUCK?” That voice, oh god, it’s him!

  I mentally snap myself from my lust induced coma, the panic practically turning my lady parts to ice.

  How could I have been so stupid? I should never have come, better yet, I shouldn’t have acted like such a brazen hussy when I have Dan and my children.

  It doesn’t click that I am still sitting on Hunter’s lap until I feel his arms tighten around me.

  He stands, placing me on the stool behind him, before turning to face my one true nightmare, Dan.

  “Who are you?” Hunter demands, rather than asks Dan.

  I can see the tension rolling off of him in waves, he looks ready for a fight. His shoulders have squared, drawing himself to his full height, muscles flexing in his arms and his fists clenching. I can’t see his face, but if his body is anything to go by, I could easily say it would give most men pause in going up against him.

  Not Dan though, his eyes have darkened from their usual dark brown to black, he looks like a wild animal, staring Hunter down before sneering at him. He looks so menacing, I am dreading the outcome of this evening.

  I hear Rhia snickering, followed by a cough to cover it up.

  I catch her out the corner of my eye, with her head bent forward, drinking through the straw in her drink.

  She is watching me subtly, a slight smirk on her face that I’m sure she thinks no one can see. I choose to ignore the bitch and focus on my more pressing matters.

  “You have got to be kidding me right? You have your hands all over my fucking woman. My lying bitch, that shouldn’t even be out for that matter and you have the fucking cheek to ask me who I am? Fuck you tosser, give me the whore now, before I plant my fist in your face.”