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  Dan’s face is full of pure hatred as he closes the distance, his body inches from Hunter’s. He wants a fight, and is goading Hunter to get one. This is not good!

  I stand up, making the decision to go to Dan before anyone gets hurt.

  Hunter’s head swivels around to me so fast, I don’t see how he didn’t end up with whiplash. “Stay there, you are not going anywhere near this jackarse.” His blue eyes soften and lose the harshness he had when he faces me.

  He really is amazing, and it is going to tear me apart walking away from him, I have no choice though, Hunter is a fantasy I should have never thought I could indulge in, this is my punishment for even considering straying from Dan.

  “Hunter it’s fine, honestly. I need to go with Dan, I should never have come here anyway. Thank you for making sure I was okay, and thank you for keeping me company. I’m just sorry the evening had to end like this.” I walk around Hunter, coming to stand in front of Dan, the look he is giving me is pure hatred and I know I will be lucky if I make it through the night. I’m just happy my Mum has the children.

  “What the hell are you doing Connie? Do not go with him. Please! I can’t sit back and watch him beat and break you anymore, please don’t go. Come and stay with me!” Lottie stands, sobering up instantly from the sheer terror of the situation. She knows what I am in for, and my heart breaks for my friend, praying I get to see her again.

  “I love you Lottie, I’ll be fine. Call me tomorrow okay babe?” I plead to her with my eyes to allow me to leave. Tears start streaming from hers, the anguish written all over her lovely face. Hunter grips my arm, making me pause.

  I don’t look around, knowing I will break down if I have to look at the man who holds everything I could ever want for in a partner. “Please Hunter, it was nice meeting you, but please see my friends home safe and let me leave.”

  Hunter tugs me back slightly, causing me to do the one thing I have tried to avoid doing, looking at his stunning face. “I am sorry Connie, but I cannot let you go with him, it’s not safe. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you.” he says, with fierce determination.

  A scream catches our attention, followed by a whimper. Hunter immediately drops my arm and dives past me towards Rhia, knocking a broken glass from her grasp.

  “Connie. Now! Don’t make me fucking drag you.” I can hear Dan, frustration evident in his voice, but I’m looking on, completely horrified at the scene in front of me.

  Rhia has blood oozing from her hand, spilling over everything. Her dress is soaked at the lap, and the blood has spread on to the table and floor.

  Diane appears from nowhere, wrapping her arms around Rhia’s upper body in comfort, she barely glances at anyone else in the room as she starts soothing her.

  I feel a hand reach for my scalp, pulling me by my roots in the other direction. “I told you to move, now this is your fault that this is going to hurt.” Dan whispers in my ear.

  The blood freezes in my veins from the sinister tone to his voice. My heart is beating so fast I’m afraid it will burst from my chest. I have tunnel vision, my ears are ringing and I can’t draw any air in to my lungs.

  Everyone has rushed to Rhia, bouncers trying to break apart the crowd to get a closer look, nobody even notices me being tugged out of the side exit, grappling with the hand in my hair.

  I take one last glance at Hunter, noticing Rhia looking at me with a satisfied glint in her eye. Hunter looks up, realising I have gone and a frantic expression passes over his features.

  Rhia notices his line of sight and lets out an anguished cry, forcing Hunter to look away from his search for me and divert his attention back to her.

  The next time I blink, the door has closed and I have been lifted over Dan’s shoulder, the bone digging in to my lower stomach, forcing a sharp pain to radiate around my tummy and legs. I don’t cry out, knowing it is pointless and will just anger him more. He is being uncharacteristically quiet and this is forcing my anxiety in to over drive.

  I try to take a few deep breaths, sucking as much air as is possible down to my squashed lungs.

  I get so sick of these anxiety attacks, as if I don’t suffer enough.

  Dan picks up speed, jogging down the side alley and out on to the street in front of the bar.

  He approaches a car parked at the kerb just a little way down the road.

  I try to push myself up with my arms on his lower back, anything to relieve the pressure in my ribs.

  As I do, Dan flings me back over his shoulder.

  I let out a loud cry of protest, his actions making me dizzy and unable to gain my equilibrium.

  Dan opens the back passenger door to the car and tosses me inside, my head smacking against the edge of the door. The pain is instant, making me scream in agony.

  He throws his fist, connecting with my right cheek bone before I slump in to the seat. I try to look forward, desperate to clear the fuzzy feeling that has settled in my head.

  I squeeze my eyes shut a few times and take note of the driver, it must be one of Dan’s friends, but I can’t shake the black spots taking over my vision to get a good enough look.

  As I straighten myself up the car starts. I hear the tyres squeal as it pulls off so fast I don’t get a chance to steady myself.

  The car screeches around what feels like a corner, forcing my body to lean to the side with the speed. The last thing I feel before fading into blackness, is my head hitting the window with a resonating thud.


  I awake in a bed.

  A bed with black Egyptian cotton sheets. I am situated in a huge, black leather sleigh bed and matching black silk sheets tangled in my lower limbs.

  There’s somebody kissing my neck, working their way down to my collar bone, licking and nipping the skin with their teeth. I shudder from excitement, this feels amazing.

  I glance down, watching a mop of dirty blonde hair make its way down my chest, the warmth of his tongue feels sensational on my cooled skin.

  This is so confusing, where am I? Who am I in bed with? It’s not Dan, that’s for sure, Dan’s hair colouring is the darkest of blacks.

  I try to take a look at the surrounding room, but it’s all fuzzy, a smoke screen effect stopping me from seeing beyond myself and this stranger.

  I feel his mouth latch on to my nipple, they have beaded from my arousal and feel phenomenal when he blows cold air over it, before moving almost frustratingly slowly to my other side and doing the same.

  I start to push him down my body, but this stranger just tuts under his breath, looking up at me with shockingly bright blue eyes, before biting down on my left nipple.

  The pain is sensational, unlike anything I have ever felt.

  It’s not too much that it’s unbearable, but not too gentle at the same time. It causes a pull deep within my womb.

  He licks the sensitive skin, soothing the sting from the bite.

  “Uh Uh Uh,” his deep voice sounds breathless and forced.

  He bites down on the right nipple.

  “Oh god, please don’t stop.” I hear myself rasp, in a voice that sounds completely foreign to me.

  He chuckles, before placing tiny open mouthed kisses down my torso.

  Reaching just above my knicker line he nips the skin.

  I am so close, I can feel my arousal flooding my underwear, and I know it won’t take much to make me fall off the cliff in to a spectacular orgasm.

  I’m panting, my skin is burning up and my legs have tensed, eagerly awaiting his tongue on my throbbing clit.

  He moves my knickers down my legs, kissing his way up my inner thighs, his tongue is so close, so achingly close to its target I am shaking with anticipation.

  His tongue just about touches the bundle of nerves, when my mystery man starts to fade in to the background.

  I’m grasping at nothing, trying with desperation to hold on to this man and the feelings he is invoking in my body.

  I open my eyes sharply, t
aking note of my solid pine bed frame and white sheets.

  My limbs are shaking from the pressure at my core, sweat is dripping from my body, soaking the sheet beneath me.

  I squeeze my legs together, trying to force enough pressure on my clit that it relieves the aching in my sex from being so close to orgasm, but not close enough to tip me over the edge.

  My body feels tense, and completely unsatisfied.

  I can hear Dan making a huge amount of noise downstairs, cupboards slamming and boots stomping on the laminate.

  I know there is no way I could relieve my body of this sensation without Dan coming up here and finding me with my fingers on myself.

  Only he believes he is allowed to touch me that way, those organs are for his use only as he likes to frequently tell me.

  I cannot believe I nearly had an orgasm from a dream, that has never happened to me before. Could it be my mystery man was Hunter? His physique was identical to what I would imagine Hunter’s to be without his clothes on. The mop of dirty blonde hair and vivid blue eyes were identical to his.

  I don’t get a chance to ponder this for much longer. I can hear Dan stamping his feet up the stairs.

  He really is on a mission today, I’m surprised it’s taken this long to come to me.

  Dan walks in to the room, his voice getting louder the closer he gets, “Connie, I’m off. I refuse to be around a fucking cheating bitch who can’t handle her alcohol and passes out in my friend’s car. You embarrassed me beyond belief and it aint gonna fly. You hear me?” He is looking at me in pure disgust, as if the sight of me alone is trash to his eyes.

  “Dan I am so, so sorry. I got in to a minor altercation with Rhia, and she shoved me around a bit. It wasn’t what it looked like, I promise you.” I say whilst pleading him with my eyes to believe me.

  Dan scoffs in disbelief, before stepping up to the bed. “Ha, yeah okay Connie. You are one fucked up bitch.” He leans down, pulling the cover back off of my legs, baring my body with only a bra and thong on.

  He must have undressed me before placing me in bed.

  I’m shocked at the tender gesture. “You are not to leave this house until I return on Sunday, if I hear from any of my friends that they have seen you out and about, there will be hell to pay. I haven’t even dished out last night’s punishment yet.” He sounds far too calm.

  I can’t help but wonder what is going on with him. This isn’t his usual behaviour at all. There is no shouting, no heavy breathing, just him calmly conversing with me, as if he is having a chat with a friend.

  Dan grips my shoulder abruptly, breaking me from my musings and causing me to cry out in pain. His nails dig in to the flesh and break the top layer of the skin.

  He pulls me out of the bed and starts to drag me through our bedroom.

  I start to panic and try to remove his fingers without succeeding, his grip gets tighter, causing tears to well in my eyes.

  My head has a dull ache radiating from the front to the back, and my cheek is throbbing from where Dan punched me last night.

  I’m surprised that I didn’t notice the pain sooner, I can only put it down to the high I was on from that nearly orgasmic dream. “Dan please, you’re hurting me. I am so sorry, I won’t ever go again. I promise.” I cry out hoping the anguish in my voice gets him to release me.

  He continues to drag me, ignoring my pleas and pulling me down the stairs.

  He stops sharply, releasing his hands from shoulder.

  I exhale in relief.

  I can feel several grazes stinging from where his finger nails pierced the skin.

  “Where is your bag?” Dan asks completely out of the blue.

  “Err, I don’t know, I don’t actually remember having it when we left.” I flinch at the reminder of what he must have seen.

  Dan opens the front door, stepping out on to the outer door step.

  He smirks, an evil, sinister expression on his face before grabbing my wrist and dragging me out too.

  The cold, frigid morning air hits my skin, forcing a gasp out of my mouth. “Dan what the hell, it’s freezing and the neighbours can see me. I don’t have any clothes on.”

  Dan laughs, slamming the door and walking down the front garden path to the pavement, leaving me standing with my arms wrapped around myself shaking.

  “Dan.” I call, hoping this is all some sick joke. “Dan. What are you doing?”

  He turns to me, stopping at the end of the path and throwing me a wink. “Oh, don’t you like flashing to the whole world? I assumed you did, going on the dress you wore last night I thought you would have loved it. Anywho... See you Sunday.” He says, before swinging his black Nike rucksack over his shoulder and strolling off down the street.

  Fuck, how could I for one second believe Dan stripped me of my clothes out of kindness?

  Of course the only reason he would ever do anything for me is to cause me some form of pain and humiliation.

  I fold in on myself, tears of humiliation are streaming down my face. I have no clue what I am going to do, any old Tom, Dick and Harry could walk past and see me. Not to mention I am so cold my teeth are chattering, causing my cheek bone to throb incessantly.

  I huddle in the corner by the door, pulling my legs up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. I rock back and forth, attempting to generate some heat across my body.

  I sit like this for what feels like hours, deliberating my best course of action.

  As utterly humiliating as it is, I may have to knock on my neighbour’s door and explain the situation. The poor elderly couple are going to be in for a right shock if they open up to me.

  I stand, peeking my head around both sides of the house, checking for any bystanders. Luckily, nobody seems to be around yet, it must be earlier than I thought.

  I step off of the door step, arms still wrapped around my waist, and rush in the direction of their front door.

  Hearing the distinct sound of a car approaching up the road, I freeze on the spot.

  I look about, anticipating a hiding place popping out in front of me. Of course, there is nowhere to hide, except running back to my house and using the small door step to conceal me, which, by the way is not even a remote possibility, as the car is coming from that direction and would spot me instantly.

  I drop to the floor, intending to be covered by the parked cars on the road in front of me.

  The car slows, pulling up in a space not too far down the road.

  I hear a door slam and watch Lottie appear on the pavement. She locks her car before glancing in my direction.

  Her mouth gapes, she appears to be frozen to the spot in absolute shock.

  Suddenly, without any warning I watch her pull herself together and sprint towards me.

  I pull myself to my feet, completely mortified at my best friend witnessing me in this state.

  Lottie reaches me, scanning me over from head to toe, wincing when she reaches my bruised cheek, before pulling me in for a hug.

  This is not exactly what I had in mind for my day, especially the fact my friend is using my cleavage as a pillow. I guess that’s what happens when you have a midget for a best friend, and you yourself are on the giant side for a female.

  I let Lottie hug away, the joy at seeing me all in one piece, albeit bruised and semi naked is evident in her highly emotional actions with me.

  I start to get impatient and uncomfortable, worrying someone is going to walk past and see us, so I pull out of Lottie’s arms, clasping our hands together and pull her in the direction of my house.

  Not a word has been spoken to each other, at this point I’m not even sure if Lottie remembers the concept of speech, she must be utterly gobsmacked.

  Lottie gathers herself together, anger taking over her shocked features. “Where the fuck is that woman beating bastard? I’m going to kill him.” She grates out between clenched teeth.

  I have never seen Lottie this angry before. She is, without a question of a doubt, one scary BFF. God hel
p Dan if he was around to confront Lottie’s tongue lashing and possible attack to his most prized possession, his not so big as he likes to think they are, man parts.

  “Lottie he’s gone babe. Apparently I dressed like a slut who was wanting it last night, so he said he was giving me what he assumed I was asking for. He then took off and won’t be back until Sunday. Oh, and it gets even better. I left my bag at the bar last night. It has my phone and keys in it. Brilliant or what?” I tell my best friend, hoping she has a suggestion to get me out of this mess. I can hear Daisy barking and whining from the front room, my poor doggy is so desperate to see me and that evil prick has locked me away from her.

  “Good, I’m far too pissed off to hold my tongue around that uber twat today. Anyway, your super duper, amazing best friend has something that I’m sure will brighten up your shitty day. Err, nope, actually make that two things.” Lottie tells me whilst opening and digging in to her oversized handbag.

  She pauses, just as she’s about to pull out whatever it is she was looking for, and looks up at me with a dramatic expression on her face. “Ta-da,” She sings, whilst pulling out my black and gold clutch from last night.

  “Oh my god, oh my god. How? What? Screw it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I don’t care how you ended up with it, I just love that you somehow had it.” I tell her, opening the bag and digging out my house keys.

  My raging heart beat calms instantly, and my body sags in relief.

  I can get in my house and see to Daisy, I can dress myself and get out of this nightmare situation Dan has placed me in.

  Lottie takes off her oversized, charcoal grey cardigan and hands it to me.

  She places her car keys in my hands before pointing at her car and taking my house keys as she does all of this. “Connie, go and get in the car. We can shoot to your mum’s house, spend an hour with the kids, then you can come back to mine for the night. Dan won’t have a clue and even if he does come home, you can get your Mum to say you were at hers. I’ll grab you some clothes and get Daisy. We can drop her to your Mum’s so she is not alone. Sound good?”