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  I nod, completely astounded at how my best friend sweeps in and saves the day. It’s as if she has a sixth sense that I need her, and poof, there she is.

  I climb in to Lottie’s front passenger seat of her black BMW X5. This car is a beast for my tiny best friend, but I love it!

  I settle back in the chair and wrap the cardigan tightly around myself. My brain is going a mile a minute, failing to follow one line of thought before another takes its place.

  Hunter, oh my god, that man. What I wouldn’t give to have him in my life as a permanent fixture. Then how did Dan know where I was?

  And Rhia acting so strange.

  Why would she cut herself to stop Hunter from saving me? Judging from her reaction and perfectly timed screaming, it seemed completely premeditated.

  Why would she ply Lottie with alcohol?

  What did Hunter do after I left? Left, what a joke, hauled more like.

  So many thoughts, and I don’t have the answer to any of them. I could scream, it’s so frustrating.

  I pull down the passenger side sun protector and look at the mirror in the back of it. My cheek doesn’t look as bad as it feels.

  The skin has a slight purple colour to it, and has travelled to the inside of my right eye, but other than that, it’s not the worst hit I have ever received from Dan.

  The driver’s side door opening breaks me out of my closer inspection of my face, causing me to let out a little shriek in fear.

  I start shaking, the possibility of it being Dan is too much for me to remain calm, my breathing is erratic and I make a grab for the door handle, ready to escape.

  “Hey, hey, hey, it’s just me. Calm down.” I sigh in relief at the sound of Lottie’s voice. “I brought Daisy, a bag of clothes and toiletries, and locked up the house for you. Was that all?” She speaks slowly and quietly, as if taming a wild animal.

  Lottie knows my reactions like the back of her hand; she has had to deal with me after an altercation with Dan on too many occasions to count.

  “Yes, can we just go? I’m a bag of nerves that Dan will come back and see me. I really want to see my babies, then go to yours and order a takeaway if you’re up for it?” I ask Lottie, hoping she is okay with having me around all evening.

  To my relief, Lottie grins at me and nods, before placing Daisy in the back of the car with my bag. She throws me a pair of black Nike dance trousers, a hot pink tank top and my white converse trainers.

  I fill Lottie in on Rhia’s strange behaviour and everything that happened last night, up until she got to me this morning, as she starts the car and pulls off down the road.

  She is silent throughout, giving me the space I need to make it through it all without breaking down.

  The giddiness I feel when I speak about Hunter is not missed by my friend, she has a small smirk on her lips, and I know she has something to tell me. That’s an ‘I know something you don’t know’ smirk, and I really, really want to know.

  “Connie babe, when are you going to leave that monster? I know you think he will take the babies, but you have me, your Mum, your other friends and maybe even Hunter.” I snap my head around at the mention of Hunter, what does Lottie mean by having him? I just met the man. As if he would want a wreck of a girl with two children, when he could have any normal, unattached girl out there with zero baggage.

  “Why would you say that? I met the man for all of an evening before quite literally being dragged away by Dan.”

  “Really? Huh, you seriously are clueless when it comes to men.” Lottie says, in-between laughs.

  I give her an incredulous look, “Understatement of the century me thinks, don’t you? If I had any inkling of how to read men, I would have run a hundred miles in the opposite direction of Dan.” I join her in laughter as I say this aloud.

  “Oh Connie, it’s a good job I love you. You can be so blind sometimes.” Lottie stops laughing, and glances at me quickly before shaking her head in obvious frustration. “That man left Rhia in the hands of the bar staff and ran around like a loon searching for you, much to her protestations. He was frantic. I don’t think I have ever seen a man panic as much as he did. He dragged me from my seat and wouldn’t let me go until I explained the situation between you and Dan. He took my number, made me promise to come over and make sure you were okay before he released me. He was so reluctant to leave when his friends came to find him. And hot damn, did he have some fine friends.” Lottie is dramatically fanning her face at the end of her little speech.

  I on the other hand am absolutely reeling at the information overload from her.

  Hunter was looking for me, he left Rhia to look for me!

  I could do a little happy dance if I wasn’t seated next to my nosey best friend, whom without a question of a doubt would then know that I’m all caught up on this man I just met.

  “Did you give him your number then? I mean, what exactly would you to say to him after checking up on me?” I try to ask without sounding desperate for information.

  I may logically know why he asked for Lottie’s number, but my self-absorbed brain is not behaving reasonably, jealousy has reared its ugly head, forcing my thoughts to become completely irrational.

  “Oh my god,” Lottie sings in between a bout of whooping and cheers. “You like him, as in like him, like him. I knew it, WAHOO. A-bout.fucking.time. Did you hear your jealous arse a second ago? You are pissed because Hunter asked for my number and not yours. You do realise he only wanted mine as he was worried about you, and he knew I had your phone? Anyway, before you tear me to shreds for withholding information on lover boy, I must tell you. My first surprise was your bag, the second surprise was, drum roll please... Hunter gave me his number to give to you, he wants you to text him a.s.a.p.” She squeals the last part, reminding me of a teenage girl going on her first date with her dream guy.

  Except I’m the one who should be squealing, this gorgeous God of a man wants me to text him, not Lottie, me. How does that work? I’m the one who is seriously messed up.

  I love Lottie, class A best friend right there. Always on my side and so excited for me, anyone would think it’s her who landed the man of her dreams.

  “He does? As in, just text him I’m alive, or text him to say hey? Oh crap Lottie, I can’t do this. What would I do if Dan found out?” I sound completely defeated, reality really is a bitch.

  Hunter only wants to check I’m okay, he probably feels bad that he wasn’t paying attention when Dan dragged me away, that’s all. It’s not as if I could text him anyway, if Dan found any evidence of me doing it.. the thought doesn’t even fare thinking about.

  “Stop being so negative towards yourself. That hot piece of arse wants you. Of course he wants to know that you are okay, but it goes far deeper than that. You affect that man in a way that not even his friends have seen him act like. He is so caught up on you, after just one night it’s almost unreal.” I scoff at Lottie’s words.

  I wouldn’t go that far, slight over reaction there. “Oh and just a quick, friendly heads up. If you mention that dick face’s name again, I won’t be held responsible for my actions. This is a dick face free evening.” She means Dan of course, she is an absolute nutter sometimes.

  “O-kayyy, and pray do tell, how do you know I affect him so badly? He could have just felt bad for almost mowing me down and wanted to make sure I was not hurt, that’s all.” I sound like an idiot, I can never think positively about myself.

  Lottie is going slap me upside the head any minute now, and I don’t blame her, she hates me putting myself down. I call it being realistic, I learnt a long time ago not to get my hopes up.

  I slouch back in my seat, feeling completely torn.

  On one hand, I am desperate to get to know Hunter, but on the other I have no right.

  I am in a relationship, one I don’t see myself escaping from any time soon.

  It’s called playing with fire and completely unfair to my family and this gorgeous man who makes me quiver in need at a
simple thought.

  “Well, if you would open your eyes and look outside of your depressing thoughts, you would quite clearly see the situation for what it is. That man is smitten from one night of meeting you. As for the rest, well, that’s for me to know and you to find out. Anyway, quit your whining and get your shit together, we are at your Mum’s house.” I look up at Lottie’s words and take in my Mum’s tree lined driveway leading up to the house.

  Time to see my babies for a bit.


  I leave my Mum’s house in Lottie’s car feeling completely at ease and relaxed, for the first time in a long while.

  Lottie loves my Mum and vice versa.

  I am the double of her in every way, from looks to personality. As my Mum likes to say, ‘I am her very own mini-me.’

  The children were having a brilliant time, they were being spoilt rotten and making as much noise as was possible.

  There was, as I had expected, the slightly awkward moment of explaining to my Mum how I hurt my eye, but luckily Lottie came to my rescue and said I did it when I was out drinking. Thankfully my Mum thought it was hilarious and then went on to explain her many drunken antics

  Lottie pulls in to a McDonald’s drive thru, tapping her fingers impatiently on the steering wheel whilst I try to make a decision on what to eat.

  I am so craving a Big Mac meal, but Dan has been saying that my bum has got a bit fat lately.

  “I’ll have a salad please chick.” I tell Lottie, with zero enthusiasm.

  “Huh, please tell me you did not just say a salad? You do realise that going to McDonald’s for a salad, is like going to a prostitute for hug.” I cannot believe Lottie just said that.

  I flop forward in my seat, unable to control the laughter and nearly fall in to the footwell.

  I quickly slip my bum to the back of the seat and lean against the window, whilst my whole body is shaking uncontrollably from the amusement of my best friend.

  Lottie presses a button in her door and rolls her window down, she leans her head out and listens to the lady speaking out of the sliding partition.

  “Hi, yes. I’ll have a quarter pounder with cheese meal, large, with a coke. Erm, a Big Mac meal, large, with a strawberry milkshake. Oh, can I also get six chicken nuggets and two strawberry sundaes please?” I listen to Lottie place the order, without once looking across at me.

  That stopped my laughter short.

  Where is my salad?

  Damn, the girl knows me too well. I must not think of the calories, I’ll have an aneurysm if I do.

  I attempt to pass Lottie my card, failing immediately when she bats her hand at me and pulls out one of her many credit cards.

  There’s no arguing with Lottie when she behaves like this, once that girl gets something in her head, she will not be deterred.

  Lottie pulls the car forward to the collection point, she collects the bags from the server, pausing for a second to look me over.

  She’s up to something, this cannot be good.

  She holds my gaze, before attempting to pass me the bags.

  I take the first bag from her before starting to retrieve the second. My finger just touches the handle, when Lottie prematurely releases it, causing the contents to be dumped on to my black dance trousers.

  “Shit! Lottie, what the hell?” I screech. The milkshake has completely emptied itself all over my lap before I had the chance to make a grab for it.

  I could kill her, I really could. I have no idea what other clothes she has packed for me. These being the comfiest I own.

  Lottie looks completely unapologetic. Of course, only my best friend would be bashing her hands against the steering wheel and cackling like a hyena.

  I dab some serviettes over the sopping area to no avail, the stickiness is settling in already.

  I lean over and give my friend a little shove to the shoulder, watching her pull herself together and restart the car, before driving us to her apartment without saying another word to me.

  I must say, if I didn’t have any children, and could afford to obviously, I would definitely live in Lottie’s apartment complex.

  Her apartment is situated in Canary Wharf, the view overlooks the river and is absolutely stunning.

  She is lucky enough to have three ensuite double bedrooms with walk in wardrobes, and access to the private gym situated in the building at all times.

  As if that’s not enough, the jammy cow even has access to a business centre, sculpted gardens, an athletics club and a 24 hour concierge.

  And I can honestly, she has never used any of it, except for the concierge to order take out.

  Lottie parks her jeep in the underground private car park. There is some serious money in cars parked down here, McLaren’s, Lamborghinis , and I’m pretty sure I just spotted a Bugatti Veyron amongst them.

  I look at them all longingly, as if I could ever afford this kind of luxury, when I can’t even afford a £500 runner to get the kids to school.

  The thought is so depressing that I could curl up and eat my body weight in comfort food.

  Lottie picks up on my trail of thought and rubs my leg sympathetically, before saying, “Babe, don’t. You will get there one day, I promise you. You are destined for amazing things, I just know it. Anyway, I’ve told you time and time again, fuck what Dan thinks, I will lend you the money for a family car. Just pay me back in installments.”

  “Aw Lottie, just you saying that means so much to me. You know Dan won’t let me, he refuses to take hand outs and would rather go without. I don’t trust what he would do to the car in a fit of rage if I went behind his back and took you up on your offer.” I look away from Lottie and out of the passenger side door, completely ashamed at what my life has become.

  “Oh Connie, I wish I could help, I really do. But just for the record, next time that waster mentions anything about not taking handouts from me, you remind him that I’m not doing it for him, I am doing it for you! I would never put my hand in my pocket for him, you and my gorgeous god children are the only ones I will ever do it for.” Lottie pulls me in for a hug to tell me this, and I go willingly, needing the comfort.

  I start giggling, and pull away from my friend. What must we look like on the complex’s CCTV monitors?

  “Oi woman, enough mushy crap, let’s get this McDonald’s up to your place and munch away. Plus, I kinda need to get out of these sticky trousers.”

  Lottie cackles making me jump, before I swear I hear her whisper the words “All part of the plan my friend.”

  We make our way up the elevator in the car park to the main lobby. I never get used to being in this place, it is, the most, stunningly beautiful complex I have ever seen.

  There is a vast expanse of marble flooring throughout, lifts to your left as you walk through the doors, the concierge desk is situated in front of them.

  There are huge marble pillars aligning the walls, and chandeliers made of real crystal, at least six foot in width. Plus a huge waiting area to the back of the lobby, with a cream leather corner sofa that sits at least twelve to fourteen people, and matching tub seats scattered around.

  We pass the concierge, who raises his head from the monitor on the desk, and greets us both warmly.

  The man would be hugely intimidating if I hadn’t seen his soft side.

  He is, without a doubt, the tallest man I have ever come across, at least six and a half foot in height, a military style buzz cut on his head, a body the size of a rhino and obvious battle scars littering his hands, and face. The man is also the softest teddy bear going if you stay on his good side, his bad side doesn’t even fare thinking about.

  I have heard more than one tale of him, quite literally throwing unwanted ‘visitors’ out.

  “Hey Ryan. Anything for me?” Lottie calls out to the concierge in a completely flirty voice. I raise my eyebrows at her seductive tone, the girl is terrible. Any male with muscles and a pulse, and I’m sure her reproductive organs take over her brain.
/>   I don’t think she can actually help it, I think it is programmed into her, giving her no control.

  Ryan is obviously used to Lottie’s behavior judging by the smile on his face. She really is a flirt, I wouldn’t have her any other way though!

  “No Miss Klein, nothing for you today. Can I help you with anything though?” He asks, in a completely professional tone. The man is totally controlled. He may have a warmth to him, and enjoy having a chat every now and then with the people who live here, but he never goes too far.

  He always knows the cut off point, and stays at a well respective distance from it.

  Lottie waves at Ryan, before walking on and pressing the call button for the closest elevator to us. “Oh Miss Klein. I do apologise, this lift is for the penthouse occupant only for the next few hours. A removals team need to be in and out and it’s quicker, easier and safer for them to just use the one elevator.” We hear Ryan call as he hurries towards us. Lottie huffs but quickly presses the call button to the lift next to it.

  “Ryan, chill dude. It’s a lift, there are other working ones here. Now if you had said use the stairs, well I’d be chewing you a new butt hole right about now. Buuuuuttt, I’m not even sure if that would matter to be honest. I happened to see the new owner this morning parking his car in one of the penthouse spots and let me tell you. That man is some serious hot stuff, come to think of it, he is some serious hot stuff that I’m sure Connie here would appreciate.” I nearly choke on my tongue at her words.

  The woman has no shame. That I would appreciate, really? What the hell is she taking? Whatever it is, it’s making her highly delusional.

  I go to tell my friend exactly what I think of her perving arse, when I am shoved in to the elevator.

  I stumble, grabbing hold of Lottie’s arm to steady myself.